T238 DTU VECTOR for Krytac Kriss Vector AEG

Běžná cena 52.68
Prodejní cena 52.68 Běžná cena 64.97
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T238 DTU VECTOR for Krytac Kriss Vector AEG

T238 DTU VECTOR for Krytac Kriss Vector AEG

Běžná cena 52.68
Prodejní cena 52.68 Běžná cena 64.97
Product description


The T238 digital trigger unit VECTOR is a programmable MOSFET electronic module designed specifically for KRYTAC KRISS VECTOR AEG. The system is equipped with a high-speed micro digital processor and two high-power MOSFET chips. It has multiple personalized programmable functions such as active braking, paint-ball shooting mode, binary trigger, and multiple rounds bursts. In addition, it also has automatic shutdown, battery low voltage protection, and gearbox block-up protection functions, which can effectively improve the stability, firing rate, and response speed of the gearbox, and completely eliminate the problem of single shot to multiple shots in the gearbox.


  • After the system is connected to the battery for the first time, the trigger switch needs to be triggered to power the system. When it starts correctly, the motor will emit "beep! Beep! Beep!"
  • Automatic shutdown. If the trigger switch is not triggered within 40 minutes, the system will automatically shut down and sleep. To power on again, the trigger switch needs to be triggered

  • Short circuit protection: When there is a short circuit between the positive and negative poles of the motor, the red LED of the system will flash. At this time, the power should be immediately cut off for troubleshooting
  • Battery low voltage protection, the system will automatically recognize the number of battery cells. When the voltage of a single battery cell is lower than the set value, the system will emit a "beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" through the motor. When you hear a "beep! Beep! Beep!" low voltage warning sound, please replace the battery immediately, otherwise the system will automatically shut down

  • Gearbox block-up protection. When a gearbox block-up occurs, the system stops working and emits an elongated "beep~" sound. Please immediately cut off the power and check the gearbox
  • When the MOSFETs overheat, the trigger only "beep!” and the motor does not rotate. It must wait for cooling

  • Adjustable active braking force, active braking uses excess energy from the motor to stop the over-spin of the motor and timely stop the piston. High-torque motors have the strongest braking effect.
  • Built-in multiple shooting modes, programming shooting modes through trigger operation

  • Adjustable piston position. The piston position in semi-auto mode can be adjusted backward by programming the brake delay time to achieve the PRE-COCKING function and reduce the firing delay
  • Adjustable firing rate, controlling the firing rate by programming the interval between two trigger pulls during a semi-auto shot, achieving the effect of controlling the firing rate; During full-auto firing, the effect of controlling the firing rate is achieved by controlling the motor speed


Main Parameters:

  • Size 45 X38 X13 mm
  • Working voltage 6-16.8V
  • Binary trigger and paint ball shooting mode
  • MOSFET overheating protection function
  • Short circuit protection function
  • The active braking function stops the piston at the most relaxed position of the spring
  • Supports up to 300A starting current and 100A braking


Package Content:

· Digital Trigger Unit VECTOR    X1

· Manual    X1

· Badge    X1

· Small bag accessories    X1

· 30A Fuse   X2

Shooting Modes:

  • Binary-trigger mode: In this mode, when the trigger is pressed and released, the gearbox will fire once each
  • Paint Ball Mode: In this mode, if the trigger switch is triggered at a slower frequency, the system is in single shot mode. If the trigger switch is triggered at a faster frequency, the system is in Binary-trigger mode
  • Sniper Mode: In this mode, regardless of what position of the selector plate, the system only has semi-auto mode, and a certain amount of time is required after each shot, and the length of time can be adjusted.


This product requires soldering and wiring. It is recommended that installation is undertaken by an experienced technician.

Shipping & Return

Většina objednávek z T238 je doprava z našeho skladu v Shenzhenu v Číně, takže ETA pro každý zásilku by byla 1-3weeks, jen závisí na tom, jakou možnost přepravy si vyberete.

Výchozí logistický nosič standardní přepravy a volného přenosu je 4px. V určitém bodě bychom se mohli změnit na jiné možnosti, jako je DHL Express nebo SFEXPRESS. Pro všechny položky na skladě bude objednávka obvykle odeslána a sledovací číslo je aktualizováno na váš e -mail v 1 -3 pracovní dny.
Sledujte tento web: https://www.17track.net/zh-cn

Sledovací počet 4px bude jako: 4PX3000083060586CN;

Sledovací počet Yanwen bude jako: Uj052211535Py

DHL Express bude jako: 5294919140;

SF Express bude jako: SF1312068180949.

Reference ETA odeslání:

5-7 dnů USA/CA

5-10 dní EU

7-10 dnů au

7-12Days Asia

15-20 dnů ostatní


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U značkových produktů T238 máme šestiměsíční záruku


- Zkontrolujte prosím kvalitu všech položek do 7 dnů, co ji obdržíte. Pokud existují nějaké problémy s kvalitou, kontaktujte nás
(E -mail: support@t238.net).

- Záruční doba začíná v den, kdy je vám položka doručena.
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